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Home Made Pizza - By Emelia Jackson

Emelia Jackson on | 5 min read
The magic in pizza is in two things; 1. the dough and 2. getting your oven as hot as possible!

Firstly the dough; high hydration always. This doesn't mean its a complicated process, it just means we don’t freak out and add extra flour when its sticky!

For the dough 

500g pizza flour

1 tsp yeast

1 tablespoon sugar

1 tsp salt

350g warm water


Combine all the ingredients into a mixer fitted with the dough hook. Knead on medium speed until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl - this will be super sticky, please please please dont add extra flour! Trust the process. Transfer to an oiled bowl, cover with cling film and allow to rise for 1 hour or until doubled in size - I do this in the proofer function of my Belling oven.

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Once risen, knock it back and form into 4 even sized balls. Place onto an oiled baking tray, cover the dough with more oil, and plastic wrap and refrigerate until you’re ready to use (you can even leave these overnight in the fridge).

To shape the pizza, ditch the rolling pin, and gently push the dough out from the centre - trying to keep the beautiful air bubbles intact in the crust. Top with your favourite toppings and bake - I’ve used the dual oven on my belling at 240C FF to cook these all at the same time! Easy. Peasy.

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